What is it like to have Dyslexia?

For the majority of us who don’t have dyslexia, it can be hard to comprehend exactly what it’s like. Most of us take reading and writing for granted and don’t completely understand the different ways dyslexia can affect a person.

There has been a website launched that simulates the experiences of a person who is dyslexic. Created by a friend of a dyslexia sufferer, the website presents similar difficulties of someone who may have the condition.

As someone who doesn’t have the learning disability, the website is a disorientating experience! Letters move within the words, making it harder to read the paragraph. If I really concentrate, I can read the text but it takes a lot longer to digest and understand the context.

This website provides a useful tool in raising awareness for the condition, so others can understand the frustration and difficulties that a person with dyslexia can face.

What is Dyslexia?

Dyslexia is one of the most common learning difficulties, as it can affect up to 10% of the population – although the severity differs from person to person. Not only can the condition affect the individual’s reading ability, but also writing, spelling, memory, motor skills, phonological awareness and the understanding of sequences e.g. months of the year.

Dyslexia is known as a “hidden” disability and can be misinterpreted. It’s not always easy to detect and sometimes it can be blamed for other behavioural symptoms. This is why it’s important, especially for teachers and parents, to understand the signs of dyslexia.

At iansyst, we understand how important it is to address each individual’s needs, whether in education or the workplace. Tools, such as the aforementioned website, offer a glimpse into dyslexia and are a great way to demonstrate a disability that is hidden.

When it comes to the workplace, we believe it’s important that managers and colleagues can understand an individual’s disability and if you are in education, it’s important to understand the signs of different disabilities. By doing this, you can ensure a more communicative work environment and, if you are a teacher, you can action early intervention. .

Our Training & Coaching Services

We offer training sessions that can help staff members fully understand disabilities such as dyslexia. Our dyslexia awareness sessions are conducted by a specialist trainer, who through interactive exercises and breaking down legislation can offer a better understanding of the condition.

Not only do we supply Dyslexia Awareness Training, but we also can provide Autism Awareness and General Disability Awareness. If you have any questions about our awareness training sessions, feel free to get in touch with marketing@iansyst.co.uk and we can help you with any queries.

How did you find the website? Do you think it’s a good tool to spread dyslexia awareness? Leave your thoughts in the comments below.

10 thoughts on “What is it like to have Dyslexia?”

  1. Michele Vorster

    We are from Johannesburg South Africa . We have a dyslexic son age 14 and I am not aware of ANY assistive technology devices available here. Can you help? He is doing mainstream education at the moment, but it is becoming extremely difficult to help him as the workload is just too much for me to cope…. our education system is SO just nowhere when it comes to any learning disabilities. Please send me some info if you are able to assist.
    Kindest Regards
    Michéle Vorster

    1. Catherine Smith

      Hi Michele,

      Sorry to hear you are having problems finding relevant provisions for your son. I will email you today with a list of software that I would recommend, which hopefully you should be able to get shipped to Johannesburg.

      Many thanks,

  2. Hi Michele, I am a proud mother of a newly discovered dyslectic 8 year old. In our country we have an inclusive school system which suports my child free of charge with additional help already in school. But nevertheless I experience the discrepancy in lack of knowledge in general public. And my daughter has had her first encounters with lack of understanding, bullying. In the next school year I would like to make a presentation for my childs school mates and their parents. Perhaps for the teachers also 🙂 Could you assist me with some ideas, materials…so I can prepare a Top dyslectic presentation/ practical class:)? Thank you very much, Warm regards, Wanya

  3. Caroline M Barrett

    Hi Catherine,
    I’m a grandmother of a dyslexic child. He is doing beautifully however as he progresses farther into his education its getting more challenging for him and his mother who has to write as he dictates his assignments. What software would you recommend for him to be able to work on his own?

    1. Catherine Smith

      Hi Caroline,

      Thanks for getting in touch. From the sound of it, Dragon Dictate would be perfect for him, as this will allow him to independently dictate his thoughts straight into a Word document. We have a range of Dragon products on the website: https://www.dyslexic.com/?product_cat=&s=dragon&post_type=product

      Personally, I would recommend Dragon Premium: https://www.dyslexic.com/product/dragon-naturallyspeaking-premium/

      Please let me know if you need further help.

      Many thanks,

  4. I am very very amazed.Tears are on my eyes as l learned of this.My son has been a laughing stock in school & on the street & l didn’t konw what was wrong.l engaged special teachers the umpteen time with no solution.So God in his great love has brought me to this website to learn of this. My life & that of my son will never remain the same. I am overwhelmed beyond words.Thank you .Thank you again

  5. Hi ya, im Lily, ive been diagnosed with mild dyslexia, and im finding things really difficult at school right now (also with my adhd) is theirer any tip you have that can help me.

    1. Catherine Smith

      Hi Lily,

      Thanks for getting in contact. If you let me know what aspects of your school work you are finding difficult because of your dyslexia by emailing me at marketing@iansyst.co.uk, I will look into some solutions that can help you.

      Many thanks,

  6. Hi ya Catherine, my boyfriend is 17 and has dyslexia and I want to understand what it’s like for him, he doesn’t try to hide it but he doesn’t talk about his experiences with it, I know it’s not the same for any two people but if you could help give me an idea? Thanks

    1. Catherine Smith

      Hi Sophie,

      Thanks for getting in contact. It would be difficult for me to articulate what issues he has with his dyslexia, but dyslexia can effects an individual’s reading, writing and spelling – sometimes it can be all three or sometimes just one. They may have poor memory issues and experience difficulty with time management. The website we have referenced in this blog shows how dyslexia can be for someone who has difficulty reading and processing text.

      We do offer disability awareness sessions, which offers more context to dyslexia: https://www.iansyst.co.uk/workplace-adjustments/training/

      Hope this helps.


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