SprintPlus helps children, young pupils and adults with reading, writing, spelling and learning difficulties. Thanks to the speech and language technology you can listen to any available text on your computer. SprintPlus can read text out loud as it is being entered. It helps in developing the user’s reading and writing skills.
SprintPlus evolves with the user’s needs. It is a very helpful tool for young as well as adult readers. It has proven its efficiency in the field of education, from primary and secondary right through higher education.
You can use SprintPlus on your Windows PC to read any selectable text in any programme, on websites, in emails and on social networks.
- Ideal for proofreading. All selected written text is read aloud using a natural voice.
- The homophone checker makes sure you use the correct one.
- Reading comprehension can be improved by highlighting the text with different coloured markers and using the summarising tool.
- The word prediction provides phonetic support as words such as ‘Fotograph’ will predict ‘Photograph’.
For multi-user licences which are ideal for Education or Workplace establishments please call our Commercial Sales Team for a quote on 01223 436 699.