Read & Write DSA (Digital Download)

The Read and Write DSA licence supports people with dyslexia and those who need help with reading, writing and spelling.

DSA versions are for students in receipt of the Disabled Student Allowance funding only. Students will need to confirm their funding evidence prior to delivery. Disabled students are eligible for zero rated vat when purchasing Assistive Technology products. Please call our DSA team for more information 01353 881 066

This is a digital download product. You will be sent an email with 2 working days which contains your activation key and download link.

Read&Write  is a popular piece of literacy support software that helps with writing and reading for those with dyslexia or other special educational needs (SEN). It has been designed to address difficulties such as problems with reading, writing, spelling and general literacy support. It is suitable for all ages and abilities and ideal for use in schools, colleges, universities, in the workplace and at home.

Read and Write is a simple and easy-to-use floating toolbar that provides speech feedback, phonetic spell checking and many other literacy support tools to help with reading and writing. This latest version contains brand new features which have fully optimised the software to benefit the user even further.

Read&Write is a feature filled piece of literacy support software numerous features and benefits of Read&Write including:

  • Spell checking your written text for spelling errors as you type or at any selected time which is useful for those with dyslexia or other SEN where they may find it difficult to spot errors.
  • Text-to-speech technology to allow written text to be read aloud. This can be useful for those who struggle with reading and can help users with proof-reading their own written text.
  • Written and Picture Dictionaries to help understand the meanings of tricky words and homophones, along with alternative suggestions.
  • The Translation tool enables the user to translate single words and paragraphs into other languages, making it ideal for those learning a different language or where English is a second language.
  • Screen masking which allows the user to mask out active or non-active parts of the screen in a coloured overlay of their choice. It also has screen tinting, mouse spotlighting and underlining.
  • Word Predication which over time learns your writing style and predicts the word you may like to use next in your sentence.
  • Speech Recognition input allows the user to dictate their text into a microphone. This helps them create lengthy text documents with ease and is especially useful for those with physical impairments or difficulty with typing.

Read more on the Blog

Latest Assistive Technology: July 2016 (featuring Read&Write Gold)
Dyslexia Awareness Week: Text-to-Speech Software (featuring Read&Write)

This is a digital download product. You will be sent an email with 2 working days which contains your activation key and download link.



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