Pro-Study has been designed to simplify your assignment research process by allowing you to effortlessly collect and organise your research and other important information such as text, graphs, charts and images in a dedicated colour coded centralised database that is easily accessible. Simply create a project, break it up into colour coded categories, and begin adding your research and other important information from multiple sources using our super easy one click save system. You can capture information from multiple sources including textbooks and then store it all in the programme’s dedicated centralised database. Each piece of information that is captured will automatically produce a hyperlink back to the original source as well as automatically capturing the reference information.
- Pro-Study is your centralised dedicated research database, allowing you to categorise information
- Enhance your productivity and organisation, build a library with links back to the original sources
- Store research on your computer, in our members area or to your own cloud storage
- Quickly capture information from Web pages, Text books, Word documents or PDF articles
- Export your collected research with references straight to Microsoft Word
- Effortlessly manage, organise, and work on multiple projects within your Pro-Study database
What’s New in Version 7
- The new and improved extension is where many of the research capture features are located including the new YouTube capture tool.
- Pro-Study has also made significant improvements to its already impressive referencing capture feature. The button on the extension allows you to instantly bring up the correct reference information simply by searching a journal’s DOI Number or a textbook’s ISBN.
- Â upgraded Research Assistant
- Students can now get a clear view of their references within each category of their projects. They can even sort by source type or A-Z and always be able to find a style that matches their requirements with over 9,500 different referencing styles to choose from.