Kaz Typing tutor Junior Edition


KAZ Junior Edition (Ages 6-11)

The earlier a child begins, the easier it is for them to master a skill.

KAZ’s Junior touch typing program was developed to instil confidence and teach little fingers how to type in a structured but fun way. It uses only ‘real words’, age related vocabulary and amusing imagery and animation.

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KAZ Junior Edition (Ages 6-11)

The earlier a child begins, the easier it is for them to master a skill.

Touch typing at an early age can help engrain reading, writing and spelling to memory – supporting and enhancing all major literacy skills.

The KAZ Course:

  • Ensures peace of mind for parents, knowing the online course is completely secure.
  • Uses a unique Accelerated Learning teaching method, speeding up and enhancing the learning process.
  • Uses ‘brain balance’ – engaging the major senses of sight, sound and touch simultaneously, radically enhancing memory retention and recall – which is why it is so effective.
  • Uses specific combinations and progressions of real words, in 5 fun and easily memorised, scientifically structured and trademarked phrases to teach the A-Z keys.
  • Uses ‘muscle memory’ – where spellings become a series of finger movements and patterns on a keyboard, reducing the likelihood of mis-spelling words.
  • No boring and repetitive exercises – just short modules, designed to keep focus and concentration.
    Trains the fingers of both hands to work symmetrically and simultaneously – no other typing tutor works in this way.

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