Flexitable Starter Kit


Teach times tables, division, fractions & decimals with our multisensory manipulative math resources for parents & teachers

Flexitable grids and multiplication tables (times tables) can help every pupil to learn and remember the basic principles of maths; how to multiply and divide, how to add and subtract, how to turn fractions to decimals.

Teaching times tables to children at a young age will help develop basic key skills, and the range of numeracy resources are especially designed for this purpose. They are ideal for children with special needs, such as autism or dyslexia who require SEN maths resources and manipulatives that can help improve hand/eye/brain co-ordination.

The multisensory, flexible and manipulative number grids have a printed face displaying either times tables, decimals, fractions or percentages. These ‘flexible tables’ are ideal low cost teaching aids, which can help children see patterns in the numbers, and manipulate the table to make maths fun.

The Flexitable programme consists of a multiplication table (times tables), an addition, a number and a fraction/decimal grid all printed on soft flexible plastic that has vertical and horizontal channels allowing children to continuously fold them again and again. Flexitables have a far greater life than paper or cardboard products, and manipulative numeracy resources are proven to be a very effective way of teaching essential numeracy skills.

The  Kit includes 3 Grids (Addition/Subtraction, Fraction/Percentage/Decimal & Multiplication/Division) and Notes.

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