How to Order Your DSA Equipment & Services

Welcome back to our guide on helping you get DSA support. Previously, we spoke about the process you need to undergo to discover if you’re eligible for DSA and how to find out what type of resources you are entitled to.

In this blog, we will be focusing on what to do when you are instructed to order your equipment or training through DSA-approved providers like iansyst.

dsa equipment

Getting in Touch

Student Finance (SF) or Student Awards Agency Scotland (SAAS) will get in touch with you through email once they have decided on your suitable equipment and support. You will be given details about what provider you will need to contact. Sometimes there may be more than one provider.

At iansyst, we provide the facility to upload your letter from your funding body online through our website – or, if you prefer, you can email the letter direct to our DSA team at

Once we receive your letter, we’ll start to process your order and when we’re ready to deliver your equipment we will get in touch to book a suitable date and time with you.

Your email from SF or SAAS may also require that you contribute a fee, so you will need to pay this before you can organise a delivery for your equipment and/or training.

When choosing your delivery date and time, you can request that the equipment is delivered by a set-up engineer who will install your equipment and will give you a run-through with your equipment. Alternatively, if you feel confident setting up your own equipment, we can send everything with a courier.

What to do if You Want to Upgrade?

If you are quoted for a certain laptop or computer, but feel another model would be better, you may be able to upgrade. Once you have been told what product you’re eligible for from SF or SASS, you will be able to ring us up and pay an additional fee to upgrade to your desired computer or laptop.

Organising Training

Our training sessions are a great way for you to learn how to use our software and equipment, so you can get the most out of it when you are at university. If you are organising this through iansyst, please understand that our training sessions can take up to two hours. Let us know your best times so we can try and arrange the session in between your lectures!

If you have any questions about your DSA order, please  feel free to get in contact with us by either emailing our specialist team at or ring us on 01223 420 101.

Get in touch

Whether you need additional help or would like to discuss a solution just for you.

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