As the power of computers increases, so too does the range of features that assistive technology solutions can offer. Each new version of a product can include more and more exciting solutions to everyday problems that disabled people face.Below are just a few examples of some of the new developments that are available to purchase from iansyst.
ClaroRead is a popular text to speech software package that has recently been updated to its seventh edition. ClaroRead 7 includes a range of upgraded features that make it easier and more helpful than ever before. As you would expect, it is fully compatible with both Microsoft 10 and windows edge. The Claro voice setup gives you access to 80 different voices to choose from. It also comes with an exciting new feature called Claro cloud, allowing you to install your software across multiple devices, for instance you could have one at home, one at work and one at university so the software is always there when you need it.

There is also a new addition to the range of Dragon voice recognition products. Dragon Professional Individual builds on all the great features that are found in the previous edition by introducing some exciting new features. It includes a new proof-reading feature that plays back the original recording alongside highlighting the spoken work in the transcribed text. Making it quick and easy to make sure that your transcription is 100% accurate. In addition to this, any custom words or commands that you set whilst using Dragon Professional Individual are now saved to the cloud, meaning that they will work on any dragon product that you are logged into without having to set them up again for each device.
For those that find text on a screen too small to read easily Supernova is an excellent solution that many people find helpful.Fully compatible with windows 10, and with touch screen machines. It allows you to magnify any area of the screen up to 64 times. It includes a screen reader that can read on-screen text, or can read aloud what you type, making it a comprehensive assistive tool for those with visual impairments.
If you have any questions about the above products. Or other solutions that we have to offer, feel free to give us a call. Our experienced team are always at hand to help you find the perfect solution to your needs.