100 disabled people a day finding work following government’s #DisabilityConfident campaign

The government’s #DisabilityConfident campaign to help more disabled people into work has resulted in 100 disabled people every working day finding jobs, training or work placements.

#DisabilityConfident was launched in July 2013 by the Prime Minister, David Cameron who spoke of the importance of dispelling the myths about the complexities of employing disabled people.

The campaign has resulted in more than 78,000 people finding work since 2011 and is part of the government’s long-term economic plan to build on the increasing employment rate for disabled people.

Minister of State for Disabled People Mike Penning said: “This government is determined to boost the employment rate for disabled people.Our campaign is backed by the country’s biggest businesses and has started touring the country to show case the impressive talents of Britain’s 6.9 million disabled people.

“People with disabilities account for a fifth of the workforce and are tremendously valuable to the British economy – helping us compete in the global race.”

The Access to Work scheme, which provides financial support towards the extra costs faced by disabled people at work, supported 31,400 disabled people to keep or get employment last year and is soon to be extended to work experience placements.

Sir Stelios Haji-Ioannou, the founder of Easyjet, said, “Already over 100,000 disabled entrepreneurs employ an equivalent number of people in their business start-ups. This highlights the extraordinary strength of the entrepreneurial flair and talent amongst the disabled people of this country.”

Although employment rates are gradually increasing they are significantly lower than for non-disabled people.

For the full article go to http://www.hrreview.co.uk/hr-news/diversity-equality/100-disabled-people-a-day-are-moving-into-jobs-or-placements/50081

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